Friday, April 6, 2018

Birthday Post #6 ~ You're Not in Control - Let It Go.

Hiya dudes! I've got another life lesson for you today.

You're not in control - let it go. Another variant of this, and my personal favorite/what I actually tell myself: Let Go & Let God.

It really is true, at least in my experience. It's very similar in a lot of ways to the "take a chill pill" lesson, but it's like the second part of it. First you take a chill pill/calm down, then you let it go.

We control very little in our lives, aside from ourselves. God is in control, as it should be - we couldn't handle the responsibility of having that control. Many control-freaks would argue this, but it's still true. Either way, we're still not in control, so it doesn't really matter.

We can basically control our own minds & actions, and that's it. Anything else is in God's hands. That's a good thing!

I often think of it as akin to being afloat at sea. We can't control anything, aside from our own actions. The sea is gonna do what it's gonna do, and that's that. 

This idea is what makes a lot of people feel like they're not important - which is another life lesson (the first one I covered). You are important. You're just not in control. You're a cell in the body, but not in control of the whole body. The world needs you, so just enjoy the journey.

For me, this is comforting. I handle my own actions, and leave the rest up to God. It's His book - He's in charge. I like it that way.

As a writer, I can respect the roles in a unique way, I think. Because I rely on Him so much to direct my own actions, I often think of myself as a character in this story he's writing. He's the author - I'm not in control of His story. I have my part in it, but really, things go far smoother if I follow His plan, otherwise I'll just keep tripping all over the place, and make a giant mess.

Whatever you believe, the fact doesn't really change - you're not in control. You can't control what other people do. You can't control the weather. You can't control whether someone makes mistake, or has a success. Other drivers, people on social media, the line at the coffee shop, or whether your hair decides to do something weird the day of your big job interview. Shit  happens.

I see so many people stress out about things they can't control. Things that aren't up to them. They think because they want to control it, they should be able to. If everyone had that power, the world would be in a giant mess of headlocks and everyone would be tied up by everyone else. It would be awful.

If you can't control it, then let it go. Give it up. Let it roll off your back like a wave, and let it pass. You have thousands more to deal with in the future, so just relax. Stressing out will only end up with you drowning. 

Take a deep breath, let it go, and move on. Whatever "it" is you're trying to control (because we all have something), just relax. It'll all work out.

Lesson #6: Let it Go

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