Saturday, April 28, 2018

Birthday Post #28 ~ Never. Stop. Loving.

Hiya dudes! It's my birthday!!!

I'm so excited today, because I've not only reached today, but got all 28 lessons done! At least, I will with this one. I had to double up this week, but we got it all done. 

My lesson today, is by far the most important lesson I've ever learned, and the one I grip to the hardest.

Never. Stop. Loving.


This isn't just romantic, either. You need to love with everything you've got, for everything you care about. Your family, friends, passions, dreams, and especially yourself.

Without love, life is pointless. It's dull, dark, and lonely.

We need love to survive. Love is so important, it's something countless people have fought and died for throughout eternity.

No matter what happens in your life, you always have the choice to choose love.

Lesson #28: Never. Stop. Loving.

Thanks for following this series. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. Either way, I had fun, and now I'm going to go celebrate my birthday!

Love you guys. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Birthday Post #27 ~ Make a Bucket List, Then Actually Do It

Hiya dudes! Another lesson for you today.

Make a bucket list, then actually do the things on it.

This one can be as simple or as complicated as you want it. The goals on it are all yours, but the the lesson is simple - don't just dream, do it!

Achieve those goals, because that's what a bucket list is! They're goals - things you want to do before you die. So do them!

Don't wait til you're old. Do it now!

Travel! Have fun! Eat the cake! Go see Bali!


Lesson #27: Make a Bucket List, Then Actually Do it!

Lesson #26 ~ Explore Other Cultures

Hiya dudes! Here's another lesson for you:

Explore Other Cultures.

Don't be so sheltered that you never experience another culture.

Whether it's food, music, clothes, languages, or society, branch out.

You can't imagine the things you'll learn, when you actually explore other cultures. The world is huge, and people are amazing. Go see for yourself.

Lesson # : Explore Other Cultures

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Birthday Post #25 ~ Don't Be A Brat

Hiya dudes! Another lesson for you today:

Don't Be A Brat

No one likes a brat. They contribute nothing to society, and no matter how popular or loved they think they are, everyone around them just wishes they'd stop already.

Being a brat isn't cute. It isn't funny. No one likes it.

If you're a brat, knock it off. The world will thank you.

Lesson # : Don't Be A Brat

Birthday Post #24 ~ #DontJudge

Hiya dudes! I've got another lesson for you today.


I love this movement, and if  you haven't heard of it yet, you should jump on board.

No one enjoys being judged - I'm sure you don't. The only way to stop judging from being an accepted norm, is to stop ourselves from judging, and show others it can be done. It'll ripple from there, and before you know it, judging could become odd.

That's a world I'd like to live in - where we don't judge each other.

Now, there is a difference between judging and honestly trying to help someone. Asking a chain-smoker if you can help them try to quit isn't judging. Rolling your eyes every time they pull one out, scoffing, or making sarcastic comments is judging.

If you can't tell the difference, one comes from a place of love, and the other comes from negativity and toxic behavior.

This lesson does come with a good dose of respect, as well. If you act in love and offer to help, and they say no, part of not judging someone is respecting their decisions. They are human, and they have the right to make their own choices, and we need to respect others just as much as we need to stop judging them.

Everyone deserves to live in a happy world. The way we make the world happy, is to start with ourselves, and one big way, is to stop judging others.

Lesson #19: #Don'tJudge

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Birthday Post #23 ~ Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

Hiya dudes! Another lesson for you today.

Don't take yourself so seriously.

This has taken me years to learn, honestly. It's difficult.

If you're like me, you want to be respected. You want to be "perfect" for lack of a better word.

For fear of being judged, I spent years and a ton of energy taking myself way too seriously. It was exhausting, and never really worked. 

Eventually, I learned to just let it go, and do my thing.

I still struggle with it some days, but it's a healing process, of sorts. I've found it's just a group of negative  habits I have to unlearn, while I teach myself new ones. It takes time.

Totally worth it though - life is so much more enjoyable when I don't take myself so seriously, so that's my advice for you today.

Lesson # : Don't Take Yourself So Seriously

Birthday Post #22 ~ Take Care of Your Body

Hiya dudes! Happy hump day!

I've got another lesson for you guys.

Take care of your body!

Dudes, this one is soooo important! Seriously, I had no idea how important this was, until I had a hysterectomy. My hormones went haywire, my body freaked, and my once strong body disappeared so quickly it's frightening.

I got healthy again a few years ago, then had another hormone mess, and now I'm back to where I started the first time. It's a never-ending battle, but it is so important. 

Going from healthy with an 8-pack (no joke), to gaining 30+lbs, to losing it and  having my flat-stomach hourglass body back, then losing it again, was a nightmare.

I'm back to working on my body, because I know how important it is, and how different I feel when I'm healthy.

It is massively difficult to keep healthy when you have medical issues fighting you, but it is so important. Even if you don't have a perfect body, just being healthy - being able to go up a flight of stairs without losing your breath, for example - is something to strive for.

You should always love yourself no matter what stage your body is in, but an act of loving your body, is to take care of it. Eat healthy, and stay active. 

You don't need to try to stay healthy out of hatred for your body, but do it for love instead. Self love. Your body deserves to be healthy, and so do you.

Lesson #18 ~ Take Care of Your Body