Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Birthday Post #22 ~ Take Care of Your Body

Hiya dudes! Happy hump day!

I've got another lesson for you guys.

Take care of your body!

Dudes, this one is soooo important! Seriously, I had no idea how important this was, until I had a hysterectomy. My hormones went haywire, my body freaked, and my once strong body disappeared so quickly it's frightening.

I got healthy again a few years ago, then had another hormone mess, and now I'm back to where I started the first time. It's a never-ending battle, but it is so important. 

Going from healthy with an 8-pack (no joke), to gaining 30+lbs, to losing it and  having my flat-stomach hourglass body back, then losing it again, was a nightmare.

I'm back to working on my body, because I know how important it is, and how different I feel when I'm healthy.

It is massively difficult to keep healthy when you have medical issues fighting you, but it is so important. Even if you don't have a perfect body, just being healthy - being able to go up a flight of stairs without losing your breath, for example - is something to strive for.

You should always love yourself no matter what stage your body is in, but an act of loving your body, is to take care of it. Eat healthy, and stay active. 

You don't need to try to stay healthy out of hatred for your body, but do it for love instead. Self love. Your body deserves to be healthy, and so do you.

Lesson #18 ~ Take Care of Your Body

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