Monday, October 19, 2015

Why = Death of Creativity

Why?  Such a simple question.  Three little words, seemingly harmless.

In reality, that little word has the potential to unravel a person completely.  Why?

A killer, masquerading as innocent curiosity.

People are naturally creative.  We are also naturally curious.  The irony is, curiosity can kill creativity.

When you ask "Why?" the search for the answer switches you into a new mindset.  Out of creativity and imagination, you switch to logic.  Even when you're being creative, and asking "Why" with imagination, you're automatically introducing logic into the idea/situation/area.

Answering "Why" means you need to know the path.  You're searching for the way something happened, the way it works.  It adds in "How" almost automatically.  The two work simultaneously most of the time, overpowering anything floating in the creative realms.  They pull an idea from the clouds, anchoring it firmly to reality, caging the once free bird.

In our life, when something happens, we almost always react with "why" or "how" adding in the other easily.  We are taught to look at the "who" "what" "when" "where" and "why" in school, and most still apply it to life.

The problem with this is, logic kills.  When things make sense all the time, there is no room for spontaneity or creativity.  Life is creativity.  It is organized chaos.  When you have too much logic, life becomes simply order.  Dull.  Lifeless.  Stressful.  Dying.  Suffocating.

When you apply that to God, you see the clear reason many people fall, fail, and walk away.  They ask "why" far too often.  We search for knowledge now, no matter what.  We look for answers, for the reasons, for the logic.  We kill ourselves searching for "truth" when the only truth that means anything, is the fact the "why" rarely ever matters.  What is, is.  God.  He is, always has been, and always will be.  He knows the why, so why isn't that good enough?

Why can't I simply enjoy something He's given me?  Why must I search for answers constantly?  Why must I pick it apart, suffocating it with the obsessive need for knowledge and desire for the answer to "why" in my own head.

Cuz that's really it - my head needs to know why, even when my heart already knows it is.  It just is.  That's it.

I appease my own head, by suffocating my heart; drowning it in logic and a growling need for knowledge and answers.

When I stop asking "why" my spirit soars.  My mind is able to be creative once again, released from the cage of logic.  I can fly.

Why has it's place.  On the shelf, where it needs to stay.  Only used when absolutely necessary.  A dangerous tool, best left alone.  A necessary evil.

God is creative.  His logic is the only one that matters, and I don't need to understand it, simply trust it.  I follow Him as a child follows his father.  He is my father, and I shouldn't question Him so much, simply trust Him.

I knew this once.  I simply did what my heart told me, without constantly asking why.  If someone else asked me why, I'd simply shrug, and say "because I felt like I should" or something equally simple.  Life was simple.  Happy.  An endless expanse of creativity and joy.  I simply lived my life, grateful to have it, enjoying every second I spent marveling at God and His creation.  Because really, He is a creator.  Creative.

Seeking "knowledge" is folly, because I'll never truly understand God.  He is unfathomable.  His knowledge is what actually matters, and my "logic" and "understanding" is as silly as holding a candle to the sun.  It may make me feel a little better in the moment, but it's fleeting, small, and in the grand scheme of things, meaningless.  He is constant, unmovable, and magnificent.  Why bother working His creation out in my head?  He created us to enjoy life, not pick it apart and kill it with "why" and logic.

I don't need to know the why.  Just what is.  Him.  That's all that matters.

I'm putting a smile on my face, my questions in the trash, shelving the "why" and following my malnourished heart.  It's time I take my life back from the greedy seed of Why.

Ready to move on, enjoy Him, and simply live.

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