Recently, I came across a pretty cool article, about an alternative way to diagnose different medical ailments you may have. I've always been into alternative methods of treatment - I mean, our ancestors didn't have Advil or NyQuil to take for aches and pains, right? Generally, those sorts of things aren't fixes anyway - most pills aren't, they just cover up symptoms, and cause more problems themselves.
Anyway, I found this article really interesting, and thought I'd share it with you guys! I found this via an article on, who cite cuisineandhealth for their content. So basically, I'm just passing on what others have come up with :)
On the worldtruth article, Eddie said:
"There are many alternative methods of diagnosing problems that occur in our body and they are a great and safe way of monitoring our health, whose credibility can easily check.
One of these comes from the Russian Healer, and it is about diagnosis with using the location of acne on your face. Look in the mirror, and see where your acne currently and study the picture above is and try to analyze whether there is in this part of the body a problem. Below are points with the explanation."
Check out the image, and relating areas of possible concern below.
1. Rectum
2. Sigmoid colon
3. Liver
4. Hoses
5. Descending part of the colon
6. Left adrenal gland
7. Pelvic left kidney
8. The upper part of the left kidney
9. Left lobe of the liver
10. The gallbladder (corpus vesicae felleae)
11. Left part of the cross-colon
12. Pancreas
13. Bile and hepatic ducts
14. Left kidney
15. Heart pathology
16. Urethra of left kidney
17. Left lobe of the liver
18. Left milk (lactiferous) gland
19. Left lung
20. Cardiac disorders
21. Bronchi in left lung
22. Diaphragm, rib layer
23. Lesser curvature
24. Duodenum
25. Left adrenal gland
26. Left inguinal crease
27. Left ovary in women, the left testicle for men
28. Left milk (lactiferous) gland
29. Sacroiliac joint
30. Left kidney
31. Big curvature of the stomach
32. Left pendant uterus with the ovaries, the left lobe of the prostate in the testis
33. Bladder
34. Pelvic left kidney
35. Pancreas
36. Left lobe of the thyroid
37. Left urethra
38.Pyloric part of the stomach
39. Uterus, lobes of the prostate, perineum
40. Right milk (lactiferous) gland
41. Pyloric part of the stomach
42. Right urethra
43. Gall bladder
44. The right lobe of thyroid
45. The pelvis of the kidney
46. Right pendant uterus with the ovaries, the right lobe of the prostate in the testis
47. A small curvature of the stomach
48. Right kidney
49. Right ovary of women, the right testicle of men
50. Iliac lymph system
51. Right adrenal gland
52. Hose
53. Big curvature of the stomach
54. Hormonal system
55. Signs of scleroderma
56. Hose
57. Saber cartilage
58. A small curvature of the stomach
59. Big curvature of the stomach
60. Right urethra
61. Bronchi in right lung
62. Right milk (lactiferous) gland
63. The right lobe of the liver
64. Right urethra
65. The right lung
66. Right kidney
67. Signs of stagnation in the kidneys, kidney stones, kidney sand
68. The right part of the cross-colon
69. Infection of the kidney
70. Right kidney
71. The body of the gallbladder with excretory ducts
72. The right lobe of the liver
73. The pelvis of the kidney
74. Right adrenal gland
75. A growing part of the colon (the ileocecal angle)
76. The transverse colon
77. Appendix
78. Stomach
79. Bladder
80. Genitals
Personally, I find this interesting, and possibly believable. Areas where I have constant acne do show, according to the chart, areas where I have known chronic issues. They do correlate and match up several times, so who knows - maybe it's something to pay attention to!
What do you guys think of this? Do you believe in things like this? Let me know in the comments below :)
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