Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Position of Acne on Your Face Shows Areas of Physical Ailment

Hiya!  Hope you're all doing well.

Recently, I came across a pretty cool article, about an alternative way to diagnose different medical ailments you may have.  I've always been into alternative methods of treatment - I mean, our ancestors didn't have Advil or NyQuil to take for aches and pains, right?  Generally, those sorts of things aren't fixes anyway - most pills aren't, they just cover up symptoms, and cause more problems themselves.

Anyway, I found this article really interesting, and thought I'd share it with you guys!  I found this via an article on, who cite cuisineandhealth for their content.  So basically, I'm just passing on what others have come up with :)

On the worldtruth article, Eddie said:
"There are many alternative methods of diagnosing problems that occur in our body and they are a great and safe way of monitoring our health, whose credibility can easily check.

One of these comes from the Russian Healer, and it is about diagnosis with using the location of acne on your face. Look in the mirror, and see where your acne currently and study the picture above is and try to analyze whether there is in this part of the body a problem. Below are points with the explanation."

Check out the image, and relating areas of possible concern below.

 Acne Map

1. Rectum
2. Sigmoid colon
3. Liver
4. Hoses
5. Descending part of the colon
6. Left adrenal gland
7. Pelvic left kidney
8. The upper part of the left kidney
9. Left lobe of the liver
10. The gallbladder (corpus vesicae felleae)
11. Left part of the cross-colon
12. Pancreas
13. Bile and hepatic ducts
14. Left kidney
15. Heart pathology
16. Urethra of left kidney
17. Left lobe of the liver
18. Left milk (lactiferous) gland
19. Left lung
20. Cardiac disorders
21. Bronchi in left lung
22. Diaphragm, rib layer
23. Lesser curvature
24. Duodenum
25. Left adrenal gland
26. Left inguinal crease
27. Left ovary in women, the left testicle for men
28. Left milk (lactiferous) gland
29. Sacroiliac joint
30. Left kidney
31. Big curvature of the stomach
32. Left pendant uterus with the ovaries, the left lobe of the prostate in the testis
33. Bladder
34. Pelvic left kidney
35. Pancreas
36. Left lobe of the thyroid
37. Left urethra
38.Pyloric part of the stomach
39. Uterus, lobes of the prostate, perineum
40. Right milk (lactiferous) gland
41. Pyloric part of the stomach
42. Right urethra
43. Gall bladder
44. The right lobe of thyroid
45. The pelvis of the kidney
46. Right pendant uterus with the ovaries, the right lobe of the prostate in the testis
47. A small curvature of the stomach
48. Right kidney
49. Right ovary of women, the right testicle of men
50. Iliac lymph system
51. Right adrenal gland
52. Hose
53. Big curvature of the stomach
54. Hormonal system
55. Signs of scleroderma
56. Hose
57. Saber cartilage
58. A small curvature of the stomach
59. Big curvature of the stomach
60. Right urethra
61. Bronchi in right lung
62. Right milk (lactiferous) gland
63. The right lobe of the liver
64. Right urethra
65. The right lung
66. Right kidney
67. Signs of stagnation in the kidneys, kidney stones, kidney sand
68. The right part of the cross-colon
69. Infection of the kidney
70. Right kidney
71. The body of the gallbladder with excretory ducts
72. The right lobe of the liver
73. The pelvis of the kidney
74. Right adrenal gland
75. A growing part of the colon (the ileocecal angle)
76. The transverse colon
77. Appendix
78. Stomach
79. Bladder
80. Genitals

Personally, I find this interesting, and possibly believable.  Areas where I have constant acne do show, according to the chart, areas where I have known chronic issues.  They do correlate and match up several times, so who knows - maybe it's something to pay attention to!

What do you guys think of this?  Do you believe in things like this?  Let me know in the comments below :)

Thanks for visiting, and please share my article! :D

Friday, July 24, 2015

*Quiz* How Ladylike Are You?

Some girls try really hard to be ladylike, some don't give a rat's behind, and some are in the middle.   Which are you?  Or rather, which do you think you are?   Here's a quiz to see if you're right!

I got:

Your right there in the middle. Some days you put manners first other days you just don't care. You like to wear comfy yet presentable clothing. Your not afraid to be the man when needed to be. Embrace yourself!

Yup, sounds like me! Lol!

So, what did you get?  Is it what you thought or expected?

Saturday, July 18, 2015

My Makeup Walls

Hey guys, how are you today?  Hopefully doing well :)

Today, I'm feeling inspired to write about makeup.

Most people would probably be surprised to know this about me, but I love makeup.  A lot.  I actually adore makeup.  When I was a teenager, I used to play with makeup all the time.  My mom got me into it when I was 12, and I've basically been wearing it ever since.

I don't wear much now - I'm opting for a natural face as much as possible, while my hormones balance out, and my skin is more sensitive.  Most days, I go makeup-free.  If I have some blemishes or scars that are making me a bit insecure one day, I'll put on concealer where needed.  If I'm going out somewhere and want to look nicer, I'll use eye makeup.  The amount depends on the level of "nice" I want to look, which usually relates to the level of "nice" the place I'm going is.

I miss the days though, where I'd wear more makeup.  My eyes would be fully done, and I'd get compliments every day.  I'd wear powder and blush, lip stuff constantly, and always have my eyes popping and shining brightly.

Since getting married though, I don't like to as much.  Lip stuff just makes it weird when I kiss Ken.  He ends up getting it all over his lips, and while he doesn't mind and usually just laughs while wiping it off, it makes me feel self-conscious, and a little guilty.  Same with powders - they come off on clothes.  I hate giving him a hug, and seeing a smudge of makeup left on his shirt.  Again, he doesn't even notice, or mind when I point it out, but it makes me feel bad.

So, I stick with concealers, and lip/eye stuff if we're going out.  He's not much of a kiss-in-public type guy, so I can wear lip stuff then.

I often browse around the internet, looking for post topics and inspiration, research for my books, etc.  In my browsing, I often come across makeup articles and tutorials.  You know the ones - where this girl (usually one you wish you looked like, cuz damn those cheek bones are incredible!) shows how she flawlessly puts on makeup like it's no big deal, says it's "easy" and "anyone can do it."

I'm always left feeling a mix of two things:

1) Inspired to try it; maybe it's not that hard; I could/should try it.

2) She's already gorgeous without the makeup - there's no way I'll end up looking that good; what if it only works on faces made for people to look at; I'm not that good with makeup; I don't have the money to buy makeup to play around with all the time; what would my guys think, especially if I messed it up, or worse, think I look good when I really look hideous.

The latter arguments always win out, and I'm left feeling depressed, having buried my fragile, budding self-confidence with a heaping dose of self-deprecation.  Not healthy, but still the reality.

 I'm Nothing

I miss makeup.  I miss being confident enough to try it.  I hate the realization that I'm less confident now than I was in High School.  I want to be more confident now, dammit.  Why shouldn't I be?  God had blessed me with an amazing husband, food in our bellies and a roof over our heads, goofy dogs and even goofier friends.

Why does makeup break me?  Why is it, that when I put that eye-liner pencil up to my lids, my hand starts trembling, and I imagine such horrible things happening?  Things like failing.  Like realizing I'm someone who should wear a bag over her head, so she doesn't inflict her hideous face on the people around her.  Like people thinking badly of her, for one reason or another.

 Ariel shame sad

Which leads into, why should I care what other people think?  Why would anyone's negative opinion be enough to stop me from doing what makes me happy?  Especially when that something is simply wearing a bit of makeup.  Not even drag-queen status makeup - just more than the minimal amount I settle for now.

 Too much makeup little girl

Why should I settle?  I'm the only one making myself settle.  The fact is, I don't ever get negativity when I wear makeup.  I get attention.  A lot of attention.  And since I'm afraid of attention, that's a bad thing in my mind.

It shouldn't be.  I should wear makeup if I want to.  I should have fun, experiment, and let myself be brave.  Kind of silly, really - feeling brave for wearing makeup.

 This is Serious Business

Still, in my timid little mind, that's the equivalent to knocking down a few brick walls on my own.  I erected them - I have to knock them down.  I'm the only one stopping myself.

I just wish I wasn't so harsh and hard on myself.

I don't have to look like the beautiful girls on YouTube - the fact is, I never will.  They were blessed with beauty, and I wasn't.  That doesn't mean I can't have fun and play, right?  I can be happy too, right?  I hope so.  Because I'm going to start playing with makeup again, and it will either be really really good, or really really bad.  We'll see.

 Nervous Chewing Gum

Do you ever struggle with this type of issue?  What do you think about makeup?

Friday, July 17, 2015

*Quiz* What Hair Best Suits Your Personality?

I got:
Jet Black
You are smart, thoughtful, responsible and a total professional, and the hair color that suits you screams success. Don't let anybody be fooled, you are here and you mean business. Current stop - hair salon, next stop - the world!

What did you get?

Friday, July 10, 2015

*Quiz* What Type of Girl Are You? #2

Last week, we posted a quiz for what kind of girl you are.  Here's another one that's pretty fun, and the results made me smile.  This one is more girly vs tomboy - simple and fun!  Hope you enjoy!

I got:

You fall somewhere in the middle between Tomboy and Girly. Your smile is enchanting but it takes a lot to see it. You have a very magnetic personality.

What did you get?  How does it compare to the other results, if you compared them?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cycle of Life

So, I'm in my mid twenties now (wow, just had to stop and take that one in...), and coming into a special age.  That age where I feel old, but those older than me laugh at me and say I'm young.  That age where I'm glad to be out of my past, but nervous about the black space that is my future.  That age where I feel like I should have my life figured out, people ask me what I'm doing and where I'm going, but in reality, my life is still just starting out.
 Selena Gomez idk shrug
I feel like a toddler of the adult world.  I'm no longer a goofy baby, and just now walking without constantly falling on my butt.  I'll still fall down from time to time, but my feet are a little more securely under me, and I keep trying to run.
What inspired these thoughts?  The realization that I'm seeing actual babies and toddlers grow up around me.  My peers and friends around my age who have already had kids, are now watching them grow.  These kids are little people I'll know 20 years from now, and I'll be able to say "I remember when you were a toddler, and you..." or "Awe, I remember holding you when you were a baby!"  They'll look at me with that goofy "I don't know what to do with that" look, smile like I'm a goofball, and blow it off as a sweet older-lady thing.
 Wow okay then - zac effron
These kids, these little people - they're just starting out too, in a different area of life.  They're like me, just the little kid version.  When they hit the stage of life I'm at now, I'll be looking back, thinking how young they are.
It's one of those cycles about life that completely amazes me.  God's ability to weave people's lives so completely and perfectly together is incredible.  Moments like this always make me stop and wonder at life.  Marvel at the complexity and simplicity of it all.
 The Lion King growing up scene
It reminds me that He's got it covered, you know?
 Chill Out animated graphic
In reality, I am still a toddler, and He is my Father.  He has got it handled.  This life, is no different than when we're little kids.  I don't need to worry about huge stuff in the future - He's got it.  Just like those toddlers I see - they trust their parents, let it go, and just enjoy life.
 Mark Wahlberg dude, chill out and relax
Let Go, and Let God :)

Friday, July 3, 2015

*Quiz* What Type of Girl Are You? #1

Ever wonder what type of girl you are?  There are several quizzes that may help give you a glimpse, and are fun to take!  Here's one I enjoyed, and I hope you enjoy it too :)

I got:

The Dreamer
You are the type of girl who chases her dreams until they happen, and you never give up. You are the one in class or at work that spaces out time after time, but you don't mind it. Spacing out gives you peace, and that's all you want in life.

Yup!! :D

What did you get?